Foyne Jones Recruitment Group

Foyne Jones Recruitment Group are an established, respected and specialist recruitment company operating within the KBB Market. With over 17 years’ experience, we’ve seen a lot over the but nothing quite like the current crisis.

For the first time in our living memory we’re seeing showrooms closing their doors, manufacturers closing their factories and stopping their supply and millions of pounds worth of business being cancelled. It’s fair to say therefore, Coronavirus has been nothing short of devastating for our industry.

Hundreds of talented KBB professionals have found themselves suddenly out of work in the last couple of weeks with no clear path for their future employment opportunities.

If we don’t pull together many of these individuals could be lost from the sector forever

But what can be done about such a problem?

Here at Foyne Jones we are determined to help as many people within the KBB industry as we possibly can. Those that have already been made redundant, who are feeling particularly vulnerable about their positions and those that believe their future relies on making the right job move now.

It may be true that many businesses are simply not thinking about bringing new members of staff into their teams right now, but at the end of this you will be and the conversations and introductions made now will make a difference for you in the medium and long term.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will be running a series of webinars focusing on career coaching, redundancy support and employability workshops.

We can offer advice on how to best market yourself to the industry, highlighting relevant information in your career to stand out to future employers and hiring managers.

A new Series of Podcasts hosted by MD Peter Jones has seen many of the industry’s most charismatic leaders join him to discuss their battle plans, share advice and give a positive message about surviving the challenge ahead.

We are opening our doors (virtually, of course) to anyone who’s job/work life has been affected by the Coronavirus Crisis and provide an opportunity to build confidence, share our industry knowledge and empower you to continue to build your career in a positive and informed direction.

To find out more or to join an upcoming FREE OF CHARGE webinar simply get in touch with Peter Jones, Managing Director via email using

Let’s do what we can to make sure the KBB industry emerges from this as a stable market, having retained as many talented individuals as we can.

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